When to Consider selling Your home is likely to sell for a higher cost before repossession. It is going to usually sell for less if it’s offered by the creditor after repossession. Think about selling your house if it is going to leave you with some cash left over. You may be able to repay your mortgage and debts and have some cash to cover the costs of private leasing or a new smaller mortgage.
Selling puts you in control and means that you can plan your relocation. Matters to Think about Selling costs The current state of your home Potential debts if your house sells for less than you think it will Changes in the housing market that could change how long a purchase requires Be sure you get a realistic valuation of your home until you sell.
Get unbiased advice. Some businesses earn money out of purchasing your house at significantly less than its value. Remember that their principal concern is a fast sale, not ensuring you’ve got somewhere to live. Risks should you sell You may not get much assistance from the council when you’ve nowhere to live after a sale.
If you are in negative equity Negative equity means that the value of your home is less than the value of your mortgage. You generally need your lender’s permission to sell if you are in negative equity but you can ask the court to override this. Instead of selling by yourself, you could consider an assisted voluntary purchase.
Assisted voluntary sale An assisted voluntary sale is where a lender helps you sell your property. Lenders provide various amounts of support. Some will only assist if you meet specific criteria, by way of instance, if you’re in negative equity or you can not afford a repayment program. A lender could: Give you to 12 weeks to sell your property Agree to reduced mortgage payments pause repossession action Pay your conveyancing fee Provide a deposit and rent in advance for private rented housing Some lenders don’t have formal schemes but may nevertheless provide you help. Speak to your lender to discuss your options.
In case a repossession hearing happens Make sure you inspect your hearing. You may ask for an adjournment in case a sale will occur soon. You may have to provide proof of this.
We at Easy Home Sales are repossession specialists and are able to prevent the repossession of your home by providing you with an instant and guaranteed home sale.
Dale Purdon, director and founder of IMAGINE Properties, Easy Home Sales any many more. Prior to setting up IMAGINE, Dale set out to build his own property portfolio in South Africa where he focused on acquiring high yielding rental properties in the lower end market and gained extensive experience in stock-sourcing as well as portfolio management.